About Us
“Recognizing the value and uniqueness of each student, Oakdale Charter, in partnership with the parent and community, will provide quality education that fosters the development of skills necessary for life-long learning through home-based and community-based independent learning programs.”
Created in 1996, Oakdale Charter School is a non-classroom based 7-12 grade home-study school. Students who attend Oakdale Charter are educated through home-based and community based learning projects, cooperative activities, and supplemental learning projects identified by an educational team composed of parent (guardian), student, and certificated teacher/facilitator. Using a myriad of learning and teaching strategies, the teacher/facilitator assists and supports each student to realize his/her own special talents, whether it is in the Arts, Sciences, or other Academic areas. Core academic subjects utilize state standardized curriculum and textbooks as a “backbone” to build upon.
The parent/guardian serves as the student’s primary educator in this home-based setting. The role of the highly qualified credentialed school faculty is to facilitate the individual learning plans. Learning plans are designed through the cooperative efforts of the parent/guardian and the teacher/facilitator with input from the student. Academic and co-curricular educational plans are based on the student’s capability and interest level, family educational goals, and adherence to district and state graduation requirements. The school assists the parent/guardian in implementing the educational plan by providing a multitude of resources and services. These resources and services include, but are not limited to, instructional materials, educational guidance, instructional technology, state standardized instructional materials, supplementary instructional materials, benchmark testing, CAHSEE and Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium (SBAC) testing, and the monitoring of progress toward graduation.